📕 Node [[i realize that your post isn t meant to be a coherent argument but the only way we can tell that]]
↳ 📓 Resource @enki/i realize that your post isn t meant to be a coherent argument but the only way we can tell that
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📄 I-realize-that-your-post-isn-t-meant-to-be-a-coherent-argument--but---the-only-way-we-can-tell-that.md by @enki

I realize that your post isn’t meant to be a coherent argument, but — the

only way we can tell that…

I realize that your post isn’t meant to be a coherent argument, but — the only way we can tell that an idea is good is by trying to kill it and failing. To the extent that a writer is a curator of ideas, we benefit from taking the same kind of aggressive approach toward ideas as we do toward words when editing.

By John Ohno on March 1, 2017.

[Canonical link](https://medium.com/@enkiv2/i-realize-that-your-post-isnt- meant-to-be-a-coherent-argument-but-the-only-way-we-can-tell- that-825cf2fb4463)

Exported from Medium on September 18, 2020.

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